Texas Teaching Fanatic

A look inside a 4th grade classroom

Back To School Forms: Classroom Job Application

on August 1, 2013

11After browsing Pinterest for awhile, I came across some teachers who had the brilliant idea of creating a Classroom Job Application.  I thought they were super cute, but I wanted to create one of my own.  I plan to create a board that has a HELP WANTED section where I can post the job types and positions.  I have several classroom jobs, and I try to assign a job to each student, even if it means that two students take on the same job.  Every other year I have just assigned jobs to students who I felt would be good for them, but I decided to let the students tell me what jobs they would like to have and why they would be good for the job.

Feel free to take this application and use it in your classroom.  To get the printable file, click here–>Classroom Job Application.

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